As you may already know Jayson already turned 7 Months and he is ready for his 1st Thanksgiving. He is learning how to crawl and already plays with items and keeps moving them
place to place and changing them from his hands. I couldn't find his binky yesterday so I gave him a new one, he would see it and throw it away it is a different color his actual one is blue and the new one is green he was looking for his blue binky. After this he will be ready for the holidays. We went to the his pediatrician and he weighs 16.3 lbs already and 27 inches long his doctor said he looks very big from the last visit and is healthy in all aspects. Mornings have been in the low fourties so Jayson leaves the house all covered up he can barely move (jk). Later throughout the day it get to the high 70's so its just the morning when it is cold.