Last night was not the best night at all. Jayson has been sick. Ear ache seems to have gone away cause he hasnt been fuzzy for that. But last night the fever came back, we were up every hour of the night sleep, wake up to Jayson's cry and so on. Though I was super sleepy, I didnt complain to do my duty, cuddle him up gave him some medicine when it was time for it. I just pray that the fever goes away I dont want him to go through the same tonight. I called his doctor and was told to continue giving him the medicine for one more day and if it continued to take him to the dr's office. I LOVE YOU JAYSON! HOPE U R DOING BETTER TODAY! Any suggestions on what i can do besides going in to the Dr's office. Dont think I am neglecting him from taking him to see a Dr. I am lucky to have Dr. Soto as his Pediatrician he answers to all my million calls when JAYSON gets sick.