Well, I have been busy at work all this week. And busy at home as well, I joined an Aerobics class to fullfill my resolution of loosing weight this year. I want to be fit for my baby and be a healthy mom to him as well and of course for my own good. This week all I have done is browse and click next blog and have found so many families in need of prayer. This morning I found a blog of a 1 pound baby. God does create miracles. Kayleigh is already seven months and what I read you can click on her button and it will take you to her story and you will read for yourself. Another family is The Calls Family Mr. Call has been going through radiation and things are also going well for him. Just to let you (my blogging world friends) You all are always in my daily prayers. Thanks for allowing me come into your lifes even though we don't know each other personally. Thank you all once again. I hope next week will be a good week and gives me a chance to blog. I almost forgot Pray for Que and Brittany to be able to adopt they seem to be ready to become parents. Good Luck. And GOD BLESS YOU ALL. P.S. I will be going to San Antonio for the weekend Jayson is going too. Looking forward for a nice weekend. BYE!!