I have been out for several days too busy at work and my unconditional attention to JAYSON. He has been sick with CROUP its that barking cough we went to the doctor on Wednesday and Dr. Costa gave him a shot to help him get rid of it I cant remember the name he had this ugly cough, runny nose, congestion. It has cleared a bit his cough is almost gone, but he continues having a runny nose and some flem. He doesnt know how to spit them out so, to him is difficult and when he starts coughing he starts crying. last night he woke up three times crying I think his throat would hurt when he would cough on one of the ocassions he had fever I gave him some Advil (pediatric) and went back to sleep after a while but he would be crying and kept on sobing. On another ocassion he woke up and he was sweating alot I think it was that he had taken the Advil before that and it was making effect. My mom rubbed some Vicks on his chest, back and soles of his feet he vomit some flem I wanna say 5 minutes after she rubbed his chest. So Vicks does work. I am so confused with all this going on. Then the famous H1N1 virus and Vaccine. I just think he will not be getting that vaccine its new and has not been tested on humans so Ive read. Here is a picture of Jayson and I on Saturday at Angel's birthday party. HOpe he gets better through the weekend