This blog is mainly about Jayson and his adventures but today I have to share something about me I kind of do that once in a while. Well it all started in July went to visit my ob/gyn Dr. Tey (he's a cutie pie :)) well they found that my blood pressure was high so they took me of my birthcontrol and prescribed me a new pack "Loestrin24Fe" those contain less estrogen which might be the cause of my high pressure. He told me to continue on the new pack and take the pill for that day "Thursday" I did and continued as normal, the pack ends on Saturday we were already in August I wait the normal waiting days to get my monthly well I didnt I called the doctors office and they tell me to go ahead and start the new pack on Sunday (thats when I start my new pack) so I did I wasnt comfortable so I went to buy a pregnancy test, there was that doubt that maybe I was prego due to the change in pills well to my relief it was negative so I continued been normal days go by I finished the pack for August, I always get my period on Wednesday, well its Wednesday and there is no sign of my period what so ever, I have all this things going thru my mind and the possibility that the pregnancy test failed and I am pregnant, but I have been taking my pills on every day and on time! I feel very frustrated when the day is coming to an end I couldn't sleep worring about the future how am I going to do it with a baby I havent been on my job for more than a year I dont have short term disability for when I deliver will I have enough days to cover my maternity leave, will I go through the same as I went with Jayson, bed rest due to high blood pressure the last 2 months of pregnancy what if things get complicated and I have to be bed ridden for more than that. I went home and every time I would check for signs of pregnancy comparing things I would look at Jayson and would tell myself well Jayson will have a baby brother or sister to play with everything will be fine. If I am pregnant everything will be fine GOD is grateful and a child would be just another blessing. So I decided to take life day by day. I couldnt sleep throughout the night until finally I told myself enough you are probably stressing over nothing relax and let it be. In the morning I took another pregnancy test and once again NEGATIVE but still no signs of my period. I spoke to one of my co-workers which I confide with. He is a good friend and trust worthy. Well, I finally get my period TODAY!! I havent been more happy of getting my period as today! I just couldnt believe that there was a possibility of me being prego I take the BC everyday dont miss a dose at the same time I couldnt believe I was that 1% of the ones that BC failed AGAIN on me I wanted to be on the 99% list. Well enough of that just wanted to share with you my month journey.