Meet Jayson

Meet Jayson

Friday, September 11, 2009


It has just slipped my mind to let you all know that JAYSON no longer uses a binky, thank GOD for that. It seemed as if JAYSON only used the binky as a habit which really helped me during his first year of life. He has been a great baby never did he wake up during the night for a bottle. He would wake up and search for his binky around his area and he would put it on his mouth himself and go back to sleep. This past Friday I put his binky away where he wouldnt be able to see it. He did fine, at night he missed his binky I gave him a milk bottle (6oz) he finished it and put himself into his usual position and fell asleep, Saturday he asked for his Binky and I told him the WAWOW (DOG) had taken it, he went on to play, and didnt ask for it until the night again I sort of expalined him that he could not have it any more cause he was already a grown up baby (as if he understands) he turns around then back to me and wants my arms to be around him, he fell asleep on my forearm (aaah) Sunday he totally forgot about it cause he didnt ask for him he calls his bink (titi) and his bottle (teta) he would ask for teta. So all this week he has been the grown up baby I told him and he has done away with using a BINKY!!


WASHINGTON – On Sept. 11, 2001, Barack Obama was driving to a state legislative hearing in Chicago when he heard the first sketchy reports of a plane hitting the World Trade Center on his car radio. The 40-year-old state senator spent the afternoon in his law office watching "nightmare images" of destruction and grief unfold on TV.

Within days, he'd issued a statement about what the nation should do next.

Beyond the immediate needs to improve security and dismantle "organizations of destruction," Obama wrote, lay the more difficult job of "understanding the sources of such madness." He wrote of "a fundamental absence of empathy on the part of the attackers," of "embittered children" around the world, of the seeds of discontent sown in poverty, ignorance and despair.

The nuanced musings of an obscure state senator, Obama's statement never even made the big Chicago dailies.

Associated Press ( sorry copied part of article)

Today is yet another anniversary for 9/11. God Bless all those lives that were lost, and their families in during this time of grievance. Most of us understand the feeling of loosing a loved one. Peace be with every singly family that lost a loved one.