Meet Jayson

Meet Jayson

Friday, November 21, 2008

First Walker Steps

I went crazy posting today I have so many pictures of Jayson in my camera and I needed to post them and share them with all of you Jayson is being lazy to start moving in his walker he rather sit down and play with the attached toys than to move up to us. On this day he started walking towards us and would pause until we will applaud and praise him and then he would do the same over and over he is getting there slowly but surely I have no rush so I won't push him as when the day he was born until his time was due so why rush him he has his time to do things when he wants too.

Final Verdict - SOLD

Jayson picked up his hand too when we were deciding which refrigerator to buy he agreed with my choice too.

Just Because

Yesterday we went shopping for moms Christmas gift, well she will receive it early for Thanksgiving I bought her a new refrigerator we had a difficult time deciding which one she chose a double door Satin Stainless Steel I didn't like it and finally convenced her for a different one also double door but black which also matches the stove my sister gave her last Thanksgiving she is happy for her new gift even though it is my little Brother and my choice. Jayson is sitting down in a living room there at Lack's Furniture Store he liked the colors cause he was happy and posing.

The Reason of my Life

He is the reason of my life. He is the reason of me been Thankful for all the blessing the Lord has given me this past 7 months. He is the reason I wake up at 5:00 AM without any questions whether I am still sleepy or tired. I am so grateful of being blessed with this gorgeous baby boy which I love dearly. There are not enough words for me to express my gratitude but God knows how thankful I am and always be. I am blessed.
Thank You! I Love You Jayson ;)