It happened once again, Jayson fell of the bed again, it was about 3:30 in the morning that Jayson woke up crying, I switched him from his crib to my bed and he went back to sleep. Maybe he was cold, he was not covered. Then it was time for me to get ready for work when I walked over to my closet Jayson woke up and rolled over to the floor. This time he did get hurt just look at the pictures I've posted, maybe it wasn't a good idea I don't want CPS to call me and get in trouble. My poor baby, once again I am sorry. He cried for a while, I placed an ice pack on his forehead so that the swelling would minimize. It was cold so he wouldn't keep it for long. After a while he was the same happy baby as you can see in the pictures.
I would put my babies on the bed too. Just surround the outer edges with the pillows and he should be fine--that's what I did.
Awww, Haylee did that once too, though she didn't get any bumps or bruises. I agree with Jillene, just put some pillows around the sides of the bed when he's sleeping.
I think I did something like that with all my babies! You feel like such a putts! Just wait until he starts to walk...They find every corner to bonk their head on..every sharp thing to fall on! Every toy to trip over. Then you will really worry about someone calling the CPS. But, anyone who has been a parent knows about the toddler years.
O wow! That's happened to all my kids! OOPS
Jayson is fine, the bruises are not that visible, the ice pack helped, I didn't take pictures yesterday afternoon so I could show them, but you can hardly notice the bumbs, He was all giggles when he saw me getting home from work. I took him with me to the park for a walk, since I am starting every years' resolution "loose weight" we walked for an hour. Good Job! for me!
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