Jayson is outgrowing his baby carseat. I am in the shopping mode for a new car seat for him, switching from a rear facing to a forward facing. I've been looking and searching for them in the internet and after reviews and more reviews I've decided to purchase an Eddie Bauer one. My sister has one and she highly recommends it for all the features it has and will make Jayson more confortable than the other ones out in the market. Let it be said, our Ford Expedition is an Eddie Bauer its color is Candy Apple Red with Tan Trim and the interior is Tan with a darker brown/gray trim. I am posting some pictures so you can help me decide which one the only variation would be the price which difference is between 10-25 dollars difference here they are. Please comment on which one you would like for us to buy.

Polka Dot

Brown Kingston


All of Haylee's car seats have been Eddie Bauer. Just choose the style you like best... it's a great brand, and we've never had any problems with them!
They look SO comfy! Wonder if I could get one for myself;)
I like the pattern on the second one:)
You know me I would go with dots!
I like the last one. I like the color more. It is more neutral.
Just checking in.. hope all is well with you!
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